Suomen Ekomodernistit ry or Ecomodernist Society of Finland (ESF) is an independent Finnish environmental organization founded in 2015.
We see ecomodernism, broadly defined, as the best option of increasing both human and nature’s well-being. We are also the Finnish chapter of Energy for Humanity.
Ecomodernism is an environmental movement that seeks to defend and enhance the environment’s well-being while simultaneously increasing possibilities for human prosperity. For ecomodernists, both the vitality and diversity of natural world and the existence and progress of humanity are fundamental values. These two values are indeed inseparable: only progressive and affluent humanity can devote sufficient resources on the protection of the environmental diversity, but on the other hand, human prosperity is dependent on the well-being of the natural world.

Billions of people around the world are seeking better, more affluent lives. This pursuit of wealth is probably a part of the human nature, and we do not condemn it outright.
However, the human prosperity is entirely dependent on the well-being of the planet’s ecosystems. Human prosperity needs to be increased in ways that leave as much room as possible for diverse ecosystems to flourish. Then and only then the possibility for prosperity can be retained for future generations as well. However, we need to be realistic about the human nature: Even though we are fundamentally optimistic and see the human potential for positive change, we believe it is unlikely that we can solve our problems in time with solutions that depend on large groups of people suddenly changing their thinking and behavior in radical ways.
Therefore, the increasing prosperity and its more equal distribution must be decoupled from the unsustainable use of natural resources and ecosystems. To succeed in this decoupling, it is essential to advance and promote trends that can greatly decrease the ecological footprint of humanity. Development of novel technologies permits the more efficient use of our resources in, for example, the production of food and energy and in our living arrangements. These trends towards greater efficiency can already be discerned. As a result, more and more of our planet could be left free from human exploitation.

Ecomodernism has an optimistic view of humanity as a species that can solve difficult problems and change for the better.
The solutions to the problems we now face may take many forms, from societal change and improved regulation to technological advances, and they need to be considered based on their merits and without prior prejudices.
We wish to advance the societal awareness and understanding of both the problems we face, and of the solutions we could use to ease these problems. When evaluating potential solutions, the priority should be given to results: how we can best succeed at reconciling human needs and wants with the needs of the natural environment. The best way to measure and understand success in this endeavor is through sound science and the best expert estimates.
Our conscious choices can shape the future. Humanity already possesses the capabilities to transform the Earth in unprecedented ways. Ecomodernism wishes to ensure that these capabilities are used in responsible manner. This will mean advancing not just the humanity’s but also nature’s prosperity as much as possible. Only this can ensure sustainable prosperity: the prosperity of humanity and the prosperity of the planet are not only possible to concile with each other, but one cannot exist without the other.
We the signatories have founded the Ecomodernist Society of Finland, joined it as members and approved its rules as detailed in a separate Appendix.
In Vantaa, 25.6.2015
Ville Tulkki
J. M. Korhonen
Rauli Partanen
Lauri Muranen
Meri Lauranto
Tere Sammallahti
J-M Hakala
Kaj Luukko